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05.06.2014, 14:16, Stáří: 10 r.

4th Gender Summit - EU

Autor: -sb-

Gender Summit events bring together scientists, gender scholars, policy makers and other stakeholders in the science endeavour. This year's summit will focus on Horizon 2020 and on the strategic and crosscutting roles assigned to gender in H2020 work programme, where it is included in over 100 calls from societal issues to health, environment, transport, water, energy food security, and technology.

For the first time in the history of EU funding gender equality and gender dimension in research content have been included as a criterion of success.

The Summit programme will include presentations and discussions ranging from biological to social and environmental factors that influence and impact quality and efficacy of research and innovation for women and men, and females and males.  

The 4th Gender Summit is the best place to find gender research evidence and expertise explaining if, when, and how gender may impact on the quality of the proposed research and innovation.

You will find more details at www.gender-summit.com

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew