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20.08.2014, 11:57, Stáří: 10 r.

6th International Congress "Multilingualism as a Chance"

Autor: -sb-

The University of Applied Sciences in Nysa has a pleasure to invite You for the 6th International Congress "Multilingualism as a Chance".


Arrival: 07th June 2015 (Sunday)
Departure: 11th June 2015 (Thursday)


Poland, University for Applied Sciences in Nysa, Institute for Modern Languages

Languages of the Congress will be:

German and English

The following topics will be in the focus of the 6th international congress in 2015:

  • multilingualism in the school and in the university
  • individualized approaches to the learning of modern languages
  • educational concepts for the promotion of minority languages
  • promotion of the language of culture and education for students at the school
  • the didactics of the adaptation between readers and texts in the field of factual texts

More information: http://pwsz.nysa.pl/index.php?p=11,965,0,0,-1,352

Invitation and Application Form

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew