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20.02.2013, 10:15, Stáří: 11 r.

8th IRDO International Conference

Autor: -ps-

The 8th IRDO conference on Social responsibility and current challenges 2013:


Conference will be held on 7th - 9th March 2013 in Maribor, Slovenia, at the venue:  University of Maribor, Slomškov trg 15, Maribor, Slovenia.

The conference is organized by IRDO – Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility in cooperation with the University of Maribor and numerous other organizations, under the honorary patronage of Borut Pahor, President of the Republic of Slovenia. A number of topical issues will be addressed, as it will be attended by more than more than 70 authors' contributions involving 94 authors from 14 countries (Slovenia, Austria, France, USA, Macedonia, Uganda, Poland, Germany, Montenegro, Turkey, Spain, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Belgium). In the plenary lectures and in discussion groups you will be able to cooperate with renowned consultants, experts, practitioners, and researchers. Interesting theories and other solutions will be exchanged between lecturers - scientists, consultants, operational experts ... All three days the international lecturers will share their extensive experience, knowledge and discuss it with participants in workshops.

Talk about your ideas, dilemmas and views with the speakers and conference participants. See the program at www.irdo.si and sign in as soon as possible, because the number of participants is limited. Applications will be accepted until 5th March 2013. Till the 25th February 2013 the registration fee is 20% lower. Members of the Institute IRDO and partners have additional discount, IRDO members, the unemployed, pensioners and students may attend the conference free of charge (with prior notification).

The world top political bodies and local communities understand more and more that the visible problems concerning the nature and humans, including economy, around the world are not problems of nature, but of people and related SR. SR is insufficiently practiced.

We invite you to join us in the development of social responsibility and more comprehensive care for the future of modern society. Help us to draw conclusions, to attend this conference and invite others to it. More in the Annex: invitation, programme, registration form, and on the website: www.irdo.si.


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