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06.02.2013, 10:20, Stáří: 11 r.

A semester with Diplomacy and International Business

Autor: -ps-

The European Academy of Diplomacy is proud to announce an international, semester-long program:

Diplomacy and international business

18 - 21 April | 8 - 12 May | 29 May - 3 June

Created by experts for graduates and young professionals who want to:

  • Gain and develop professional skills to work in a global environment
  • Choose and plan a career path which accommodates abilities and interests
  • Establish professional and personal network in a multinational group

Provided by a team of renowned experts and practitioners 
in 3 thematic study modules: 

1. Foreign Service
savoir vivre | public diplomacy | conflict resolution | communication
2. Multilateral Diplomacy

diplomatic protocol | leadership | public speaking | negotiation
3. International Business

commercial diplomacy | risk management | strategy buildin

Composed of 100 hours of:

  • case-study based seminars and lectures
  • hands-on simulations and workshops
  • study visits to Polish ministries, EU institutions and Warsaw based embassies

Diplomacy and International Business aims at preparing you to meet the professional needs of governments, organizations and corporations, and give you a solid foundation for your successful career in an international environment.                                                
For More information on Diplomacy & International Business please contact EAD International Program Coordinator Mr. Jakub Żaczek, jzaczek[at]diplomats.pl, +48 605 692 945

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew