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AUSTRIA - Summer and Winter Schools 2016

Autor: -sb-

The University of Vienna, one of the largest and oldest universities in Europe, offers a wide range of summer and winter schools during recess.

The univie: summer and winter schools are short programmes, mirroring the versatility of academic disciplines at the University of Vienna.

These intensive programmes are designed to meet students’ needs for cultural, interdisciplinary and scientific learning. Students gain the unique opportunity to engage with high-level academics, recognized experts in their field and industry leaders.

Most of the courses are held in Vienna, some at other venues in Austria and some take place abroad.

Please find more information at the univie: summer/winter school website.

univie: summer school 2016 Scientific World Conceptions: Science, Values and Democracy?

Organized by the Institute Vienna Circle - Faculty of Philosophy and Education

July 4-15, 2016 in Vienna, Austria

Science and democracy are key features of modern societies, but there have always been tensions between them, with implications for a wide range of public issues.

This two week course will examine historical, philosophical and political perspectives on the relation of science, values and democracy.

Main Lecturers:

Mark B. Brown (California State University, Sacramento)

Heather Douglas (University of Waterloo, Ontario)

Andrew Jewett (Harvard University)

The deadline for application is January 31, 2016.

Please find further information on the school’s website.

External students will be admitted to the University of Vienna as extraordinary students and will thus enjoy insurance coverage (general accident and liability insurance).

Furthermore, participants from our partner universities have the opportunity to receive a tuition waiver for their selected univie: summer/winter school from the University of Vienna.

For funding possibilities or additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at summer-winter-schools@univie.ac.at. 

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew