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12.08.2014, 11:48, Stáří: 10 r.

Call for applications: MoNYS 2014 (1-7 Dec 2014)

Autor: -sb-

Apply NOW for the Model NATO Youth Summit

The Model NATO Youth Summit has announced its call for applicants to participate in the world’s largest simulation of NATO procedures this December 1-7, 2014, in Podgorica, Montenegro, where students, young professionals and future global leaders will come together to highlight major military-security and political issues facing NATO member states today.

To participate in the third annual edition of MoNYS people are invited to apply as an individual or group delegate, chairperson and/or journalist by the 17th August.

The purpose of MoNYS is to raise awareness on the mission and main activities of NATO, while creating a platform for the young generation to debate on current social and political international issues.

MoNYS aims to enrich the academic curriculum of its participants, by engaging them in intercultural exchange and by offering them a close view into their prospective career.

Students and young professionals between the ages of 18 to 28 will be given the opportunity to implement the tools of analysis acquired during their studies and prior work experience in a practical environment.

The summit has all the features of a real-life situation, since all stakeholders involved will defend important national interests, such as peace and security.

To apply as a participant of MoNYS, or for further information, please visit: www.natoyouthsummit.org

For more information about the summit, please find the press release and brochure attached, or refer to our website: www.natoyouthsummit.org.

You can also follow us on Twitter: @MoNYS2014, and like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/modelnatoyouthsummit.

Media Contact:

Sylvia Miga

Media Officer, Model NATO Youth Summit


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