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Filozofická fakulta UP
13.03.2013, 10:34, Stáří: 11 r.

Call for Papers: História - Revista - "From Colonisation to Cooperation"

Autor: -ps-

História – Revista da FLUP (former Revista da Faculdade de Letras do Porto – História) is the scientific journal of History of the University of Porto. It was founded in 1970 and has been published continuously since 1984, on an annual basis. In 2011, the journal will initiate a new series, its fourth, with a new format and editorial programme. História is a peer reviewed international journal. It aims to publish and disseminate innovative research in History. Even if historically oriented, multidisciplinarity and comparative analysis are also within its main scope and editorial orientation. Contributions from other social sciences are welcome.

Call for papers

More information read here: http://web.letras.up.pt/revista.historia/about.htm


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