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29.01.2014, 14:37, Stáří: 10 r.

Chengchi University International Summer School

Autor: -ps-

Warm greetings from National Chengchi University(NCCU), Taiwan!

On behalf of National Chengchi University, we are pleased to inform you that NCCU 2014 International Summer School (ISS) is ready for registration, and we’d like to invite your students to join the program and spend an unforgettable summer at NCCU and in Taiwan.

At 2014 ISS, the Mandarin Chinese Language courses are scheduled from June 30 to August 7, while ISS academic courses are scheduled from July 1 to July 23 (Business, Social Sciences, and Humanities). The ISS students may choose to take either language courses or academic courses, or they may take both academic and language courses simultaneously. We’ve also prepared 4 well designed excursions. The details of the entire program can be found in this link. Please kindly note that the application will close on 18 April 2014.

As a courtesy to our partners, we will offer 2 seats of tuition waiver of any of the 8 academic courses(Not Chinese Language Study) for the ISS to you to encourage your student to attend the NCCU ISS.

Attached please find application form for this offer. Please send to Mr. Allen Chen at nccusummerschool@gmail.com for your nominations with completed applications via e-mail prior to April 18, 2014.


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