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Filozofická fakulta UP
12.10.2012, 09:40, Stáří: 12 r.

Come and study in France in January!

Autor: -ps-

The Institute of Languages ​​and International Studies (ILEI) from the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines is definitely the place that fits the way most suited to such applications.

In addition to being a comprehensive university that offers a full range of university courses in all areas, we offer 6 degrees to prepare especially for successful integration into master license or in a French university.
Its six diploma courses can acquire the language level sufficient to keep a license or a master of all disciplines. They are accessible to all levels and promote a rapid increase in half since they are organized and can be combined over a year.

Spring semester registrations for our one-semester university degrees are now open. Sign in for the spring semester by October 31th.

Moreover, it is offered students the opportunity to take official diplomas of French language studies (DELF and DALF), which prepare our diplomas at each level of the CEFR.

You will find attached an information brochure on the various opportunities offered by our institution in terms of French Studies.

For further information on application procedures and registration, thank you to contact:
Valerie ROCHER
Manager education
Tel.: +33 1 39 25 50 71

More information and download registration forms on www.ilei.uvsq.fr.

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew