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19.09.2012, 15:22, Stáří: 12 r.

Conference: Fostering Entrepreneurial Learning at Tertiary Level

Autor: -ps-

Fostering Entrepreneurial Learning at Tertiary Level: University - Industry Interaction

11-12 October, 2012

Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska

Bosnia and Herzegovina is co-chairing the Bologna Follow-up Group (BFUG) in the period of 1 July to 31 December 2012. With regard to this, the Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Srpska is hosting the Conference “Fostering Entrepreneurial Learning at Tertiary Level: University - Industry Interaction”, under the patronage of the President of Republic of Srpska.

The Conference is to be held on 11-12 October 2012 at the premises of the National Assembly of Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka. You are cordially invited to attend this prestigious event.

The goal of the Conference will be creating entrepreneurial mindset at the university level, integrating developing entrepreneurial skills into study programmes and teacher training in entrepreneurial learning.

The Conference has no registration fee and the number of participants is limited, therefore, in the event of interest consider early bird registration.

The language of the Conference will be English and local languages. Simultaneous translation will be provided.


For more information please visit our conference website http://www.eobrazovanje.com/visoko/Pages/KonferencijaOVisokomSkolstvu.aspx


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