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04.06.2015, 15:33, Stáří: 9 r.

CROATIA - 11th Jean Monnet International Summer School "International Environment and the European Integration", Rijeka

Autor: -sb-

11th Jean Monnet International Summer School "International Environment and the European Integration" will be held at the Faculty of Economics, University of Rijeka, Croatia, from June 29, to July 11, 2015

The goal of the EFRI Summer School is to broaden the knowledge of students of economics, law, political sciences, administration and other related studies on the economic integration process in Europe, and to point out the advantages and challenges of economic integration in everyday life. At the same time, as a joint project with the International Initiative for Policy Making and Politics at the Local Level, this is the 5th POL-LOC Summer School. The programme will give a special focus to issues related to local governance and the repercussions of the Integration process on the local level. This joint programme will consist of lectures, round-tables, workshops and student assignments to be completed in groups with the support of academic supervisors.

All the information and the application forms are available at the website:


Partial scholarship are available and the registration to the Summer School is completely online and available at:


Mind that the appclication deadline has been extended until June 8, or June 15, for Croatian students.

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew