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16.02.2016, 18:26, Stáří: 8 r.

Darmasiswa Scholarship Program, 2016/2017 Extended to 19 February 2016

Autor: -sb-

Darmasiswa is a one year non-degree scholarship program offered by the Indonesian government to all foreign students from countries which have diplomatic relationship with Indonesia to study Bahasa Indonesia, arts, music, crafts and particular subject in 54 selected Indonesian Higher Education Institutions (HE) in different cities in Indonesia. This program organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) in Cooperation with Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA). 

The registration of Darmasiswa Scholarship Program for academic year 2016/2017 is extended to 19 February 2016.

Would you please to share this information to your students or partners? We are really appreciated for your assistances and we hope further cooperations with your University.

For details information please contact m.lucia@indonesia.cz or +420 257 214 388, dept. Socio Cultural Affairs.

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