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Filozofická fakulta UP
18.02.2013, 14:58, Stáří: 11 r.

DIANET - Ph.D. scholarship

Autor: -ps-

This announcement is aimed at enhancing the human potential for research, thus improving the Friuli Venezia Giulia scientific and academic system. This objective will be achieved through the research activities carried out by non Italian experts who will take advantage of the networks of the Alpe Adria Conference of Rectors, of the Danube area Rectors and of partner public and private bodies.

The scholarships which will be offered to attend the Ph.D. will be co-financed by the European Social Fund - Operational Programme of the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia 2007/2013.


  • foreign citizenship (not Italian);
  • residence in one of the areas listed in Attachment “Geographical Areas” (not in Friuli Venezia Giulia Region);
  • have a degree awarded by one of the University listed in the attachment "University Network";
  • their degree thesis must be experimental (to be assessed by the Board of Examiners).

All information are included in the the Announcement: D.R. 92/2013 dd28.01.2013
Humanities: Attachment 8 DIANET
Environmental Biology: Attachment B DIANET
Admission forms:

  1. Paper application form: Paper application form
  2. Qualification list: Qualification List
  3. DIANET research project: form
  4. Commitment of the foreign University / Research Institution to accept the candidate:form

Admission form can be presented at University from February 13th to March 11th 2013 (till 11:30), by modality expressed in the call (art. 2).

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