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Filozofická fakulta UP
02.01.2014, 12:11, Stáří: 11 r.

Doktorandská stipendia na Evropské univerzitě ve Florencii

Autor: -ps-

EUI Special Doctoral Fellowships

Four special awards funded by the EUI itself have been set up to finance successful candidates who have applied for admission but who are not eligible under other grant programmes:

·         the Adam Smith doctoral fellowship in Economics

·         the Jacob Burckhardt doctoral fellowship in History and Civilization

·         the Hans Kelsen doctoral fellowship in Law

·         the Hannah Arendt doctoral fellowship in Political and Social Sciences

Application procedure

The application for admission (deadline 31 January) will automatically be considered a grant application. There is no separate grant application procedure to follow.

Those wishing to apply for the fellowship should choose “Candidates from other countries” in the Grant authority section of the online application form and indicate their interest for this fellowship in the “Additional notes” in the same form.

These grants will be awarded on merit at the end of the selection process, by decision of the Entrance Board.

Grant and allowances

·         Monthly grant: € 1240 (from January 2014)

·         Family allowance: yes

·         Travel allowance: yes

·         Insurance: yes

Grant-awarding authority: European University Institute



Podrobnější informace o doktorském studiu na EUI:





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