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19.04.2013, 10:42, Stáří: 11 r.

DRC Summer School in Budapest

Autor: -ps-

The DRC Summer School promotes regional co-operation among young social scientists to establish a network of young scientists who deal with the issue ofregional co-operation. 

The 10th edition of the Summer School  has the main topic: “Old Neighbours - New Policies in the Countries along the Danube and the Black Sea Region” 

Applications for participation may be handed in by e-mail or fax until June 2, 2013 and should include the application form, the CV of the applicant and an abstract max. 2 pages of the paper that shall be presented in the framework of the Summer School. The participants are selected by a jury taking into account the guidance of the presidency of the Danube Rectors’ Conference (DRC). The successful participation of the DRC Summer School will be granted with 10 ECTS points by the University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities.

Applications to:  Mr.Zoltán Vörös, IDResearch Ltd. 
Tel.: +36-30-709-7491 
Fax: +36-72-522-624
E-mail: voros@idresearch.hu

Get more information here: www.drcsummerschool.eu



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