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16.12.2013, 09:20, Stáří: 11 r.

elbMUN Conference 2014 | Call for Chair Applications

Autor: -ps-

Want to Be a Chair?
Apply now for a Chair or Co-Chair Position at the elbMUN 2014 Conference
13-17 April 2014, Dresden, Germany

Dear Debaters,

The Elbe Model United Nations Conference  2014 (elbMUN) has opened call for Chair Applications. The Conference will be the 5th consecutive MUN held at the Saxon State Parliament in the beautiful city of Dresden, Germany.

As this year’s slogan suggests, our diplomats will be “Taking Chances - Shaping Visions”.

Can you?

If so, do not hesitate to apply for a Chair or Co-Chair position in one of our committees in which the following topics will be debated:

·         Security Council: The Situation in Syria

·         ECOSOC: Limiting Land and Water Grabbing & Sustainable Energy Worldwide - Ways to Reach a Common Goal

·         DISEC (GA): Disarmament of Rebel Groups & Espionage - Legitimacy and Boundaries

·         SOCHUM (GA): Combating Human Trafficking & Enhancing Protection of Religious Minorities

The city of Dresden is situated in Eastern Germany and often referred to as “German Florence”. Do not miss the chance to explore its world-famous tourist places as well as its infamous bar and club area “Neustadt”!

Chairpersons will be granted an allowance of up to 150€. During the Conference, we provide free accommodation for Chairpersons. Equally, we are able to support you with regard to visas.

Have we got you hooked? Please apply until 12 January 2014 by sending a motivation letter (max. 1 page) and your CV featuring your MUN experiences to chairpersons@elbmun.org.

Please look up http://www.elbmun.org/index.php?p=participate#2 for more detailed information.

We would highly appreciate it if you could forward this message to everyone you consider interested in a Chair position at the elbMUN Conference 2014.

Please do not hesitate to contact us via info@elbmun.org if you have any further questions.

We are looking forward to receiving your application.

contact us: info@elbmun.org

Executive Board: Simon Barthelmess, Juliane Drechsel-Grau, Jannes Riffert

Elbe Model United Nations e. V.
Technische Universität Dresden
Juristische Fakultät
01062 Dresden

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