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Filozofická fakulta UP
08.11.2013, 10:01, Stáří: 11 r.

Erasmus Internship Offer

Autor: -ps.

Employer: The Presentation Group, Bloemendaal, the Netherlands

Required profile of the candidates:

  • students of humanities (Philology, Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, Media Studies, International Development) or with serious interest in leadership and communication skills development
  • work experience in a related field welcome
  • interest in couching, leadership, communication and organising events
    fluency in English (verbal and written)
  • good communication skills
  • good computer skills
  • team player
  • hands-on mentality, problem solving attitude, capability to work under pressure

Work programme:

  • help with research in preparation for events and training sessions organized by the company
  • help with coordination of meetings, minute taking, writing reports
  • working on a project / project work

Anticipated temporal frame of the placement: 01/02/2014 – 30/06/2014

Contribution: Erasmus scholarship + contribution in kind provided by the employer – free lunch on the company premises, help to arrange accommodation. 

For more information contact Dr. Ivana Mrozková at ivana.mrozkova@upol.cz by 12/11/2013.

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