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Filozofická fakulta UP
28.06.2012, 08:33, Stáří: 12 r.

Erasmus work placement offer - Art History

Autor: -ps-

Employer: CASA DELL’ARCHITETTURA-Onlus, Latina, Italy

Required profile of the candidates:

  •     students of Art History with focus on modern architecture
  •     sufficient knowledge of the 20th century architecture foundations,  codification of architectural drawings and major software
  •     good command of Italian language

Work programme:

  •     document scanning
  •     document analytical cataloguing
  •     implementation of website


Anticipated temporal frame of the placement: 01/10/2012 - 23/02/2013

Contribution: Erasmus scholarship 638 EUR per month

Please send your application documents (CV and cover letter in English language) to cda@casadellarchitettura.eu by 31/07/2012.

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