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16.09.2013, 15:03, Stáří: 11 r.

European Diplomacy Workshop | 18-23 November 2013

Autor: -ps-

The European Academy of Diplomacy, in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, PZU, and the Casimir Pulaski Foundation, is proud to announce the 6th Edition of the European Diplomacy Workshop, to be held 18 - 23 November 2013 in Warsaw, Poland. Recruitment is currently open and scholarships are available for participants from Eastern Partnership countries.

This edition of the EDW will cover the following topics over an intensive 48 hour week of lectures, workshops, case study discussions and study visits:

  •     Fundamentals of EU Foreign Policy in the Eastern Partnership
  •     Frozen Conflicts in the EaP: Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Transnistria & Nagorno-Karabakh
  •     Ukraine & Belarus and the EU
  •     Eastern Elements of Polish Foreign Policy
  •     Critical Analyses of Successes & Failures of the Eastern Partnership
  •     Ukraine & Belarus and the EU
  •     Debate: United States of Europe: Integration & Federalization?

Additionally, participants will have master level skills training in:

  •     Leadership
  •     Public Speaking
  •     Negotiations

The European Diplomacy Workshop (EDW) is a week-long, first in Europe program devoted solely to the Eastern Partnership, European Neighborhood Policy and European Union Foreign Policy. Based on workshops from experts in the fields of EU Foreign Policy (Eastern Partnership and European Neighborhood Policy), and hands-on skills training in International Negotiations, Public Speaking, Strategic Planning and Leadership, the European Diplomacy Workshop is designed for emerging political and social leaders, public servants and non-governmental representatives who are eager to learn how to influence the changing context of their country.

The European Diplomacy Workshop is a forum for exchanging experiences and enhancing cooperation between leaders from Europe, Asia, and the Middle East by giving participants opportunities to broaden their EU and regional specific knowledge and acquire and practice essential skills necessary for shaping the modern world.

For more information on the European Diplomacy Workshop, contact EAD International Program Coordinator Katarzyna Waksmundzka at kwaksmundzka@diplomats.pl

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