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Filozofická fakulta UP
11.04.2014, 14:13, Stáří: 10 r.

Event WiM-2014- What is Music?

Autor: -ps-

The non-profit organization ” Movement for free culture” is organizing a big Music International event “What is Music?” in cooperation with other institutions, including the University of Burgos.

For further information, please contact : WIM2014@outlook.com

FB: https://www.facebook.com/InternationalMusicMeeting


WHAT IS MUSIC? is the first international music meeting of this kind, organized by the non -profit organization Movement for Free Culture at which UBU supports through our full cooperation. It will take place from July 25th until August 3rd and it will gather more than 250 musicians and music maniacs for 10 days of summer.


Who is it for? Our program is open to all profiles, from people who want to start in the world of music to experienced musicians.


How to apply and what is included? Registration is done via online and includes an intensive course (25h) , workshops, concerts , master classes , jam sessions , camping and breakfast.


Where? WIM2014 will be held in a unique nature frame, the medieval town of Frías.


For our part we seek collaboration between the different centres and universities. For example, beyond the spreading, at the UBU we grant elective credits to our students for attending to the event.

If you are interested we can send you posters and brochures for their physical distribution.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

Contact: WIM2014@outlook.com

FB: https://www.facebook.com/InternationalMusicMeeting

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew