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Filozofická fakulta UP
05.04.2013, 08:49, Stáří: 11 r.

Experience Nepal - Travel and Learning Camp 2013

Autor: -ps-

This Camp will be held in Kathmandu, Nepal and span five days from August 11th to August 15th 2013.

Through engaging activities, the Camp aims to bring student leaders from different parts of the world together so as to enhance their abilities in cross-cultural interaction and cooperation. We believe that this will equip them to be effective leaders. The highlights of this Camp include: immersing in local culture through the travel and community service sessions, as well as gaining international insights through interactive seminars conducted by prominent speakers.

We strongly believe that, as a renowned establishment with a vibrant student body, your university’s participation in GYLTLC 2013 will heighten the overall experience of this Camp.

Information brochure
Poster for dissemination
Prospective applicants may access our website at www.gyltlc.com and Facebook page at fb.com/GYLTLC.
Contact: gyltlc@kaiti.org

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew