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Filozofická fakulta UP
16.10.2015, 16:00, Stáří: 9 r.

FINLAND - Internship in Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, SAMK

Autor: -sb-

The Satakunta University of Applied Sciences is looking for an intern for the upcoming semester Spring 2016.

The positions is for the international relations office trainee. Please find more details in the attached file below.

The deadline for applying is 15th November 2015.

Regarding the financial contribution from the employer, there is no financial contribution provided by UP. It is however possible to use the status of Erasmus+ as a "zero grantee" and make profit of other benefits of the programme. For more information, please consult: http://www.upol.cz/struktura-up/rektorat/useky-prorektoru/usek-pro-zahranici/oddeleni-mezinarodnich-vztahu/erasmus/staze/

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew