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30.11.2015, 10:14, Stáří: 9 r.

FINLAND - Summer School in Human Sciences 2016

Autor: -sb-

International Summer School in Human Sciences 2016:

23 – 27 May

  • Finnish Language and Culture
  • Education in Finland
  • Organization and Role of Sport in the EU and its Member States
  • Social Networks and Interpersonal Relations in a Multicultural World
  • Introduction to Management and Leadership

30 May – 3 June

  • Introduction to Dance Movement Therapy and Other Arts Therapies
  • Studies in Cultural Anthropology
  • Social Sciences and Global Responsibility
  • Physical activity, Sport, Health and Health Promotion – International perspectives

6 – 10 June

  • Working Models in Domestic Violence Counseling
  • Introduction to Intercultural Communication
  • Sport Marketing
  • Introduction to Gender Studies

13 – 17 June

  • Press photography: theory, practice and interpretation
  • Psychology of Economics
  • Introduction to Ethics of Science

Course descriptions


How to apply?

Applications should be submitted online at www.jyu.fi/en/study/programmes/summerschool/apply no later than 1 February 2016. You are welcome to apply for the full summer school programme or parts of it. Each course lasts one week (2-4 ECTS credits).


Students from partner universities all over the world are invited to apply to the Summer School. Also the degree students of the University of Jyvaskyla are welcome to join the courses.

Participation fee

The University of Jyväskylä does not charge tuition for the courses from students of partner universities collecting eventual tuition fees of their own. There will be a small fee for the social programme. Students are expected to pay for their travel to and from Jyväskylä as well as living expenses and accommodation while in Jyväskylä. 

Teaching staff

The teaching staff of the Summer School consists of professors, researchers and experts from the University of Jyväskylä and from partner universities.


Summer School participants will be accommodated in the apartments of the Kortepohja Student Village at about 2.5 kilometers / 1.5 miles from the University. They will each have a furnished study-bedroom with a shared kitchenette and bathroom.

Further information:

International Office

University of Jyväskylä

E-mail: hsss@jyu.fi


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