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16.10.2015, 13:53, Stáří: 9 r.

Full-Time Postdoc Researcher in Central Asian Studies

Autor: zdp

The successful candidate will be expected to make a contribution to the research and teaching activities of Palacky University’s Department of Asian Studies.
The post-holder will also be expected to assist in editorial tasks in an international journal.


The successful candidate will be expected to make a contribution to the research and teaching activities of Palacky University’s Department of Asian Studies. The post-holder must be strong in Russian language (writing, reading, and speaking) and is able to work with a research team to contribute to a survey analysis of Central Asian’s views on China. Expertise in the following areas are highly desirable:
-Comparative politics
-International Relations (IR)
-Russian Studies
-Central Asian studies

The post-holder will also be expected to assist in editorial tasks in an international journal. Excellent knowledge of English is required—written and spoken—for research, teaching editorial purposes. Candidates with existing publication in peer-reviewed journals and evidence of innovative teaching activity would be distinctly advantageous.
Essential criteria

2. ABD (All but dissertation) or a completed PhD in Political Science;

10. Evidence of published work and/or publications in preparation and other research outputs related to Central Asia;
11. Evidence of other relevant scholarly activity;
12. Ability and willingness to collaborate with colleagues on research projects.
13. Evidence of strong knowledge in Russian,
14. Evidence of knowledge in any other languages used in Central Asia (i.e., Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan);
15. Field trip experience and contacts in Central Asia

16. Ability to teach Asia-relevant courses
17. Evidence of an understanding of and willingness to use modern teaching technologies and potential for innovative teaching and curriculum development;
18. Evidence of an ability to teach and inspire students, and communicate ideas and concepts in a learning and teaching environment.
Applicants must submit the following documents:
4. Cover letter explaining interest, motive, suitability for the advertised position and career plan (max 3 pages)
5. Curriculum vitae (with the usual elements, such as publications, teaching experience, names/contacts of professors who are willing to make recommendations)
6. Teaching evaluation (if the candidate has it)

Please send your application to:
Martin Lavička, M.A.
Department of Asian Studies
Faculty of Arts
Palacký University
Křížkovského 14
77180 Olomouc
Czech Republic

Nr of positions available : 1


Research Fields

Political sciences
Political sciences


Career Stage

Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc)


Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1)


Salary: 900 Euro per month + 300 Euro per month institutional pay toward personal health insurance and social security

We offer:
Opportunity to work and publish on a contemporary topic in highly valued international scholarly journal.
Membership in a small research team working on Sino-Central Asian relations
Environment of traditional university with research ambitions.
Surroundings of small university town within easy reach of Prague and Vienna.
Employee benefits
- Every work day financial allowance for lunch
- Second working year 200 Euro benefit usable for sports and relaxation


Required Education Level
Degree     PhD or equivalent
Degree Field     Political sciences

Required Research Experiences
Main Research Field     Political sciences
Years of Research Experience     4

Required Languages
Language     ENGLISH
Language Level     Excellent
Language     RUSSIAN
Language Level     Good

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