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04.03.2015, 11:31, Stáří: 9 r.

GERMANY - Bayreuth International Summer School 2015

Autor: -sb-

The 2-week summer school experience in Bavaria with the Bayreuth International Summer School will take place from 6th to 18th July 2015!

During the Summer School, students have the chance to devote around 6 hours each day to theoretical and practice-oriented seminars and discussions (all conducted by internationally renowned guest professors) within three of the key research fields of the University of Bayreuth:

·         Course 1: “New Perspectives on Economic Growth and Development – the Impact of Globalisation on Management
During this summer course, global challenges in economics and management are analysed through a combination of different global perspectives by the faculty from our partner universities. 

·         Course 2: “Novel Materials and Technologies for Future Energy Systems
In this course, students get an insight on important aspects of energy: its efficient conversion, its storage to retain energy, and future trends for polymers.

.         Course 3: “Specters of Violence in Africa and Latin America – Looking behind the Scenes
This course deals with the Boko Haram crisis and its impact on contemporary Islam in West Africa, the African continent today as well as on the African diaspora in Latin America.

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew