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Filozofická fakulta UP
05.03.2014, 15:10, Stáří: 10 r.


Autor: -ps-

Helsinki Summer School (HSS) is a three-week academic event organised every August by the University of Helsinki, Aalto University and Hanken School of Economics. Each year we give advanced degree students from over 60 countries an unforgettable experience that combines high-level academic studies with a wide range of cultural and social activities.

HSS is open to students from all over the world.  We also accept a limited number of applications from Finnish students, exchange students enrolled atFinnish universities and professionals. Participating to the summer course before or after the exchange period offers a great opportunity to prolongstudies and of course experience the lovely Finnish summer with  international student colleagues.

Application period is open!

This year we organize all together 16 courses that offer the students a great opportunity to deepen their knowledge for example in the themes of science fiction, environmental issues and design. 

More detailed course descriptions and a link to our application system are available on our website: www.helsinkisummerschool.fi

If you need something to put on a noticeboard, the course descriptions can easily be printed out from our website!

University of Helsinki

Co-operative Enterprise Law

Designing Sustainable Forest Landscapes: Ecosystem Services in the Future

Ecology and Management of Urban Green Space

Intensive Finnish (NB! Only for new University of Helsinki master's


Intercultural Communication - Inclusion & Exclusion in Multicultural


Introduction to Bioethics

Measuring and Valuing Ecosystem Services

Politics of Nations in Contemporary Europe

Post-socialist Societies and Cultures

Roma and Travellers: Mobility, Persecution and Memory

Science Fiction in Literature and Culture

Visual Media and Global Politics

The Welfare City


Aalto University

Arts Marketing and Management

Physics of Functional Materials


Hanken School of Economics

Service Marketing and Design


Contact us!

If you wish to know more about Helsinki Summer School, please don't hesitate to contact us!

e-mail: summer-school@helsinki.fi
HSS website: www.helsinkisummerschool.fi
Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/helsinkisummerschool


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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew