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03.03.2015, 12:00, Stáří: 9 r.

HUNGARY - 4th Blue Economy Summer School - University of Pecs

Autor: -sb-

The Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pecs is going to organise the 4th Blue Economy Summer School between the 6th and 19th July 2015 focusing on Blue Economy methodology and regional development in the industrialized world.

The Blue Economy Summer School (BESS 2015) welcomes every interested student who would like to gain deeper insight and valuable knowledge in the field of theory, methodology and application of Blue Economy.

BESS 2015 will host - among its international team of well-known lecturers - professor Gunther Pauli the initiator of the Blue Economy idea so participants will have the chance to meet and learn from him personally. The academic program includes lectures, company visits and independent group work on assigned projects. By holding a final presentation participants gain 6  ECTS credits.

BESS 2015 also offers the unique opportunity to become a certified Blue Economy Expert.

The extra-curricular activities provide real summer-time experience beside the academically challenging program.

For inspiration please take a look at the best moments of last years’ BESS’s by watching the short videos on the link below: http://bess.ktk.pte.hu/

For further information please, visit the official web-site of the Summer School: http://bess.ktk.pte.hu or e-mail us on bess@ktk.pte.hu

Registration and payment until: 15th June 2015!

BESS Brochure 2015:

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