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24.10.2013, 09:13, Stáří: 11 r.

Interdisciplinary Conference "One world - many cultures"

Autor: -ps-

We have a pleasure to invite students and academics to the conference, which will be held at the University premises, in the centre of Bydgoszcz, at 55-57 Toruńska Street.

This conference is meant to be a continuation of the annual scholarly meetings inaugurated in 2010 by Kujawy and Pomorze University, in order to enable broadly-understood intercultural dialogue and exchange of ideas about problems of the modern world among economists, lawyers, educators, theologians, cultural theorists, political scientists, sociologists, historians, media experts and representatives of other disciplines.

The conference is a clear invitation for everyone, regardless of their belief system, to discuss the problems of contemporary world from cultural, legal and economic perspectives. It may also serve as a platform for intercultural learning about a wide range of areas of co-existence of diverse human communities in an increasingly globalized world.

Sessions will be divided into the following panels:

  • Religion and culture towards the threats of contemporary society
  • Economic and social dilemmas of market economy
  • The present in legal and administrative dimension
  • Technical civilization of the 21st century
  • The future of education in the light of the crises of contemporary world

The languages of the conference are Polish, English and Russian.

Articles, following a positive review, will be published in a ranked monograph.

Information and contact:
Kujawy and Pomorze University in Bydgoszcz
ul. Toruńska 55-57, 85-023 Bydgoszcz
mobile +48 510 082 878 (contact in English), +48 663 083 792 (contact in Russian)
e-mail: conference2013@kpsw.edu.pl



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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew