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12.08.2014, 12:48, Stáří: 10 r.

International Pedagogical Conference in Wroclaw, Poland

Autor: -sb-

More information here: Informational Brochure and Application Form

Scientific Objectives of the Conference

Cultural differences have become distinctive in our contemporary everyday life, whether perceived from individual, social and state perspective, or from over-national or European angle. Hence, they significantly intersperse many areas of our life, orienting towards its efficient management. Therefore, it is worthwhile to draw scientific attention to the quality of manifested cultural differences within transborder sphere shaped by atomization and integration on the other hand, also within the framework of EU. Such perspective, oriented at communities functioning in the borderland areas, enable not only to pinpoint phenomena favouring cultural coexistence or mechanisms generating conflicts, but also the recognition of good practices within overcoming cultural differences, including adaptation in a culturally diverse society. Therefore, the scientific discourse will embrace the following:

  1. chances of cooperation within communities of diverse cultural traditions,
  2. conflict origins within cultural diversity,
  3. new areas of social activity facilitating support and protection of cultural diversity,
  4. transborder aspects of social issues,
  5. protection and legal (European or Polish) procedures concerning foreigners,
  6. axiology of the cultural borderland.

There is also a wish to make these issues a premise for a new interpretation of the disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary objectives of pedagogy.

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