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11.04.2014, 14:08, Stáří: 10 r.

International Summer School in Turku

Autor: -ps-

Become immersed in Finnish culture and society

International Summer School in Turku 4.8.-29.8.2014


The International Summer School offers courses taught by local experts in the fields of Finnish language, culture and society.

The programme is designed to be flexible giving students the opportunity to choose among four courses (max. 10 ECTS) and six modules including Finnish language course.

The language of instruction is English and the teaching in Summer School is subject to a fee.

Teaching will be intensive during the daytime and in addition, there will be versatile and attractive Social Programme during evenings and weekends.

Detailed information about the Summer School 2014 e.g. courses and modules on our webpage www.utu.fi/summerschool

The application form can be found on the website and the deadline is 30.4.2014.

The Summer School Programme offers an excellent introduction to the Finnish language, culture and way of life. Come and join us!

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