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08.01.2013, 08:21, Stáří: 12 r.

International University Week Jena 2013 - Invitation for European Erasmus Partners

Autor: -ps-

The Ernst-Abbe-University of Applied Sciences Jena - School of Social Science and Social Work will be host of the IUW 2013 from April 15th to 19th 2013: Diversity and Methods in European Social Work. The IUW 2013 will focus on different aspect of social work and social policy in modern societies and include workshops, (field-related) excursions as well as social activities and inter-cultural exchange. The plenary discussion on Monday will be opened with a lecture "Social Work and the Future of the Welfare State - What do we really know about the future?" by Prof. Michael Opielka, executive director of the Institute for Future Studies and Technology assessment, Berlin/EAFH Jena.

The congress language is English. The fee is quite affordable and includes bed & breakfast for students (all lecturers will be hosted in a hotel on extra but reasonable costs), dinners, excursions and social activities. All necessary information (program, organizational notes) and the registration form on iuw.sw.fh-jena.de

We friendly invite students and university teachers of our European Erasmus Partners. 

Early registration will be privileged with regard to limited bed & breakfast places (the deadline is Jan 31, 2013). We will confirm registrations not later than Jan. 30th 2013 via email.

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew