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15.08.2013, 15:30, Stáří: 11 r.

Internship opportunities at the British International School

Autor: -ps-

We are a school of English accredited by the British Council, located in London, New York and Edinburgh, specialized in hosting groups of students for their holiday stay or study trips abroad, offering a different range of English courses (IELTS, Cambridge and Trinity) and accommodation.

For the time being, we are offering challenging internship opportunities in Marketing, Tourism and as IT Expert.

In Marketing, students will focus on market research, country analysis, management of the customer service, planning and setting up of new strategies to enhance partnerships with stakeholders, agencies or companies.
Alternatively, they may be assigned to the Tourism Department, being in charge of incoming groups of students, taking them around London during their holiday stay or study trips ensuring they get to the right destinations or managing booking of hotels, restaurants or any other service.

As IT Expert, they will work closely with the IT Manager in the implementation of the IT network and in dealing with any daily issue.

In the light of the candidates' profile, we will make any effort to consider them for the most appropriate role, even if we may reserve the right to relocate students whenever they demonstrate being suitable for more than one task.

We are mostly interested in students in Economics, Communication, Modern Languages, IT, Marketing and Tourism with a B2/C1 Level of English, preferably Arabic mother-tongue speakers, highly motivated, professional and dedicated to work.

They will benefit from a free Business, General English course as well as from a form of reduction on the cost of the transport during their internship.
Our opportunities are valid from three to six months, according to the students' preferences and commitments.

High hiring perspectives at the end of the internship, whenever students turn out to be successful, efficient and effective in the assigned tasks.

We currently have pending opportunities from the end of September, very beginning of October on.

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