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Filozofická fakulta UP
19.02.2013, 10:56, Stáří: 11 r.

Internships in Malta

Autor: -ps-

Paragon Europe continuously strives to find the best placements for students to obtain the most appropriate hands-on experience during their placement in Malta.

The students are placed with organisations, working on projects specific to their
study area throughout their placement stay as well as assisting in day-to-day
administrative duties.

More information you can get in the presentation.

Aktuální zpravodajství a publicistiku z Univerzity Palackého najdete na stránkách Žurnálu Online.

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Calendar of Events now only on Palacký University's  new webpages

Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew