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10.02.2014, 13:02, Stáří: 10 r.

Invitation Radboud Summer School

Autor: -ps-

This summer, Radboud University Nijmegen will be organising a first-rate academic Summer School.

Students will have the opportunity to boost their knowledge by choosing courses from a unique academic programme and participate in a range of exciting social activities.

Have a look at the wide variety of courses we offer in the fields of Arts & Languages, Brains & Behaviour, Business & Economics, Science, Social Sciences and Health Care. All courses are taught in English and are open to Dutch and international students, PhD candidates and alumni.

Sign up now if you would like to be kept informed, so we can provide you with updates about the courses and events as well as about the registration procedure: www.ru.nl/radboudsummerschool.

The early-bird deadline for registration is 1 April. Students from your university, being one of our distinguished partner universities, receive a 15% discount on the course fee.

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Calendar of Events now only on Palacký University's  new webpages

Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew