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30.01.2014, 10:51, Stáří: 10 r.

Işık University International Summer School Programs- Istanbul, 2014

Autor: -ps-

International Office at Isik University is happy to announce that International Relations and Economic Department will jointly offer two separate 4 week-long Summer School classes between 30 June-25 July, 2014, at its Şile Campus, located on the Black Sea coast of Istanbul. The program is mainly designed for international students but is offered to all eligible students on a for credit, pass/fail or audit bases.

1. Istanbul: Crossroad of Civilizations Program which is being offered since 2011, is a 4-week course (30 June- 25 July, 2014) taught by the faculty of Isik University. Instruction consists of classroom discussions of Byzantine, Ottoman and early Republican Turkey; economics, politics, social structure and culture of modern Turkey; the role of Turkey in world politics; and elementary Turkish.

Işık University has been carrying out this program successfully for the previous 3 summers in cooperation with Alfred University, NY.

You can reach the details of the Program and the commends of the previous students about this Program from the website below:

2. Turkish Language and Culture, is a 4 week (30 June-25 July) intensive language program, where we offer 3 levels of Turkish: beginner 1, beginner 2 and intermediate.

The cultural weekend trips and events are common to all classes and programs. Both summer school programs give 6 transferable credits for the students.

The fee for the two 4-week programs, including teaching materials, room, meals and board (within Turkey), is US $2,200 for the early  applications before 1 April, 2014. The fee is  US $2,650 for the applications until the deadline of 30 May, 2014.

These two Programs are also open to Faculty members who prefer to join with their students from their universities. The faculty members that decided to attend to our Programs with at least 10 students from their own universities will benefit from our accommodation, meal and board facilities without any charges.

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew