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24.04.2014, 12:28, Stáří: 10 r.

Istanbul Aydin University Summer School

Autor: -ps-

Describing Istanbul is like trying to describe Love. Istanbul or Love cannot be expressed without the experience. 

Istanbul Aydin University is proud to provide you the Istanbul experience through our “Delightful Istanbul” Summer School Program. There are many different opportunities for students to enlighten their knowledge, enjoy the experience of Istanbul and prepare themselves towards a brighter future.

To have a taste of the “Istanbul Experience” check out the following link. http://dai.ly/x1mzm90

To have your own delightful experience, check out our many different programs offered in our “Delightful Istanbul 2014” Summer School Program at the link below.


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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew