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Filozofická fakulta UP
22.05.2014, 08:06, Stáří: 10 r.

Italian language courses for foreign students

Autor: -ps-

I would like to draw your attention to the Italian language courses for foreign students which our University will organize this summer.

Two weeks of full immersion in Italian language with the Sardinian sea in the background, tastes and flavors of this thousand year old island.

The opportunity to study Italian and, whilst at the same time enjoying the native way of life during July and September 2014, and learning the art and history of Sardinia.

The course is open to:

-students, graduate students, researchers and scholars

-foreign freelancers and workers

-individuals who are interested in Italian language and culture.

The courses offer all levels of Italian language, ranging from elementary to advanced level. The lessons take place in the morning with the assistance of qualified teachers from our Language Center. The cost of the course is a very suitable price - €120 for 40 hours of lessons.

For more information you can visit the following website:


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