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12.10.2012, 09:22, Stáří: 12 r.

Korean Government Scholarship Program

Autor: -ps-

Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP)

The KGSP is a Korean government supported scholarship program to provide international students with an opportunity to conduct advanced studies of undergraduate and postgraduate at the Korean universities and it aims to promote international exchange in education for mutual friendship of the countries.  Ajou University is one of the KGSP scholarship offering university designated by the Korean Government.

Undergraduate KGSP scholarship benefit will include 100% tuition waiver, airfare, living and settlement allowances for the selected students. Please review the attached 2013 undergraduate KGSP guidelines, Ajou University information and admission guidelines, and distribute the information to your university students.  Any interested student can contact the Korean embassies in your countries.

Admission Process:

  • The 1st Selection: September - End of October (at the Korean Embassies in foreign countries)
  • The 2nd Selection: November (at the NIIED)
  • The 3rd Selection: December - January 2013 (at the University)
  • Announcement for Final Successful Candidate: Middle of January (NIIED announces)
  • Entry into Korea: End of February
  • Orientation: Beginning of March

More information: about university, selection outline

Ajou University Contact Point:

Ms. Jae-Eun Kim, Associate Director
Office of International Affairs
Ajou University
Tel: +82-31-219-2302  Fax: +82-31-219-1500
Email: admission@ajou.ac.kr

Korean Embassies around the world


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