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Filozofická fakulta UP
01.04.2014, 07:13, Stáří: 10 r.


Autor: -ps-

A last-minute traineeship announcement for an Erasmus or Leonardo - funded trainee from June to August or September 2014, for at least 3 months. Due to important peaks in our working year, it is important that the student is able to be in Macerata in June 2014, the traineeship cannot start in July. 

Please note that we don’t need to stipulate or amend any Erasmus Bilateral Agreement that might be or have been in force between our two institutions, as the LLP Training Agreement document will do for the purpose.

The student for an Erasmus Placement training at our International office (University of Macerata, central Italy) should have fluent English as 2language and should be able to work with computers (basic admin software); knowledge of Italian language would be an asset.

The trainee will enjoy a great intercultural experience in an international students community, and at the same time will experience real Italian weather and lifestyle, strolling around in a historic, typically Italian medieval city centre w/bars, design clothing shops, traditional groceries etc...

We may well provide him/her accommodation (private single room with private bathroom) in one of the University residences (prices are about the same as a private flat) so that the student would not bother in looking for a room in the private market , with the risk of not finding one if s/he asks for 3 months only, and would live with other foreign and Italian students.

Please find herewith what I hope will be enough information to get an idea of the tasks & duties we will assign.

Our ideal candidate should:

- Have a scholarship by their home institution, within the Erasmus Placement or Leonardo programmes

- Have very good knowledge of English and Italian Language (the knowledge of any other European Language will be a plus)

- Have Basic skills in information and communication technology

- Be acquainted with European programmes such as Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci and the EVS (European Voluntary Service)

- Possibly be graduating or graduate in International relations, foreign languages, administration and management, political sciences, education or similar.

Main activities:

-       Management of incoming Chinese students, welcome service and logistics.

-       Mainly administrative work related to Incoming and Outgoing Erasmus students;

-       Support and information to Incoming and Outgoing Erasmus students.

-       Support to admin staff in LLP /Erasmus and Leonardo Da Vinci management

-       Support to admin staff in Extra European bilateral agreements management

-       Support to admin staff in management of Summer/Winter schools for international students (according to period)

-       The trainee will normally work from 09 AM to 14 PM, Monday to Friday.

-       Additional hours may be requested according to office needs (and can be made up for).

-       The trainee will be located on ground floor and will be also appointed of welcoming students & visitors, addressing them to the relevant office.

We are not able to guarantee any financial support but we provide trainees with the same services offered to all Incoming Erasmus students (access to the canteen at small prices, join the university choir, access to libraries, IT department, university facilities, free Italian Language Courses for all international students etc…).

Documents to send to laura.concetti@unimc.it:

1. The attached form, duly filled in

2. A CV in English or Italian language, possibly in .PDF format

3. A motivational letter in English or Italian

To gather more information about our University and the city of Macerata, you can visit the following pages.


Portrait of Macerata: http://vimeo.com/46762697


English web page of the University:


International Office:


Foreign Student Guide:


How to reach Macerata:


How to reach our office:


Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to ask.


Kind regards

Laura Concetti

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