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19.04.2013, 11:04, Stáří: 11 r.

Learn French in France this summer!!!

Autor: -ps-

The University Summer Courses for Foreign Students (june 24 to july 12) at the University of Rennes accomodate foreigners coming from all continents for linguistic and cultural stays.

Courses are thaught by professors of the university who specialize in French as a foreign language. Contents of these courses are adapted to your level, wether you are a novice or a french professor.

Our quality is officially recognised by the ' qualite Francais langue etrangere' label.

Apart from the courses, many excursions and cultural activities are included in the program :

- student program : 550 euros

- teacher program : 590 euros

More informations :

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew