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22.03.2013, 12:59, Stáří: 11 r.

Master's Degree in "Political and International Studies"

Autor: -ps-

Master's degree in Political and International Studies, Focus on International Economic and Trade Relations - it is the only two year Master's degree entirely taught in English at the University of Macerata.

Information on Master programme and its scholarships for foreign students: www2.unimc.it/didattica/facolta/politiche/ietr/brochure-en

Applicants must send an email to masterest@unimc.it attaching the following documents in English: 

  • Curriculum vitae (Europass format): europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/documents/curriculum-vitae
  • Pre-admission Application downloadable from: www.unimc.it/internationalrelations
  • Scanned copy of the degree certificate including final grade, date, list of the attended courses and the exams passed with the corresponding grades
  • Covering letter
  • A certificate of advanced English knowledge (this certificate is not required for English mother tongue applicants or for those who obtained a degree from an English University).
  • A copy of a currently valid official ID document (passport or identity card).

 A Committee of the University of Macerata will evaluate the documentation sent by candidates, and each candidate will be informed by e-mail about the result of his/her application.

To get more information, please, visit the website www.unimc.it/internationalrelations and this brochure

Should you have any additional query, feel free to contact our tutor simona.natali@unimc.it

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