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Filozofická fakulta UP
14.08.2014, 09:16, Stáří: 10 r.

Model United Nations of Malmö 2014

Autor: -sb-

Model United Nations provides a chance for students of all ages, backgrounds and fields to apply their knowlegde in sessions where they have to present a delegation from a country or internationally approved organization in committees or councils, like the Security Council, European Parlament ect. The goal is in discussions and through teamwork to come up with a workable and reality like resolution. It is therefore extremely interesting as the students get a lot of background information about certain topics and countries positions.

The skills that will be learned can be applied and used in later stages of the participants life. Not mentioning the great opportunity to meet new people from all over the world.

Last years MUN was a full success and Malmö offers a lot for the students. This young and vibrand city with its great connections to Denmarks capital is continuously improving its educational sector and has an huge interest in enlarging its impact on sustainable relations.

This year MUN coordination is looking forward to add a council and give students the opotions to join and work in the Security Council, the 1st, 3rd, 4th committee and the European Parlament.

For more information please contact: Ms. Theresa Kresse, email: stu.su.munom2014@gmail.com

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