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Filozofická fakulta UP
13.07.2011, 08:46, Stáří: 13 r.

Nabídka pracovní stáže Erasmus - Nizozemí, Haag/Rotterdam

Autor: -da-, -mr-

Employer: Czech Centre Haag/Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Required profile of the candidates:

  • students with the background in international issues, cultural and language studies
  • computer literacy - Internet, Facebook, knowledge of design applications is welcome (Adobe Photoshop)
  • excellent knowledge of oral and written English (communicative knowledge of Dutch or German is welcome)
  • excellent communicative skills
  • organisation skills
  • decision making and setting priorities
  • creative thinking
  • capacity of working in and international environment    

 Work programme:

  • executive production of CC events, communication with the network of partners of the CC
  • internet presentation of the activities and programmes of the CC in English and Czech on CC and other websites
  • research for opportunities for Czech film, music and other programmes and joint programmes with Dutch film  and music venues and other educational bodies in collaboration with EUNIC network, Goethe-Institut etc.
  • communication with visitors of the CC events
  • media coverage    

Anticipated temporal frame of the placement: 02/01/2012 - 02/04/2012  

Financial contribution: Erasmus scholarship + remuneration in kind provided by the employer (transport expenses within the CC activities in the Netherlands will be refunded)    

Please send your application documents (CV and cover letter in Czech or English language) to schenk@czech.cz  by 15/10/2011.

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Calendar of Events now only on Palacký University's  new webpages

Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew