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03.01.2013, 11:49, Stáří: 12 r.

NABÍDKA PRO ZAMĚSTNANCE UP: Training courses 2013 in Cyprus

Autor: -ps-

Comenius and Grundtvig training courses 2013 in Cyprus

The European office of Cyprus is pleased to announce the upcoming training courses under the Lifelong Learning Programme.

Deadline: 16 January 2013

Course titles:

  • Preparation of proposals and management of European education projects
  • European digital portfolio for educators
  • Identification, motivation and support of mathematical talents in European schools
  • One-stop-service career-guidance shop for Europeans
  • Successful management of quality placements and interships

For detailed information about the courses and the next steps on how to apply for Comenius or Grundtvig funding, please write to makrides.g@ucy.ac.cy or visit the database http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase/ and your country's LLP National agency.

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew