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10.05.2011, 11:46, Stáří: 13 r.

New Master´s Degree in Political and International Studies, University of Macerata, Italy

It is an international two-years course, entirely taught in English and  especially designed for foreign students. Focus is on international  economic and trade relations, also with advanced topics in Asian  studies (career in international firms, public agencies or consulting).    

The programme is based within the Faculty of Political Science. It is  going to start in October 2011 and applications are being accepted  now.  Please follow this link for more details:
www.unimc.it internationalrelations or send an e-mail to  masterest@unimc.it . 
Thank you for further dissemination of this information.

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew