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12.04.2013, 13:11, Stáří: 11 r.

Optimising Income Generation in Higher Education and Research Institutions

Autor: -ps-

Practical Seminar

Optimising Income Generation in Higher Education and Research Institutions

Diversifying – Improving – Increasing

27th - 28th June 2013, Berlin

Please find detailed brochure information here.

Key topics:

● Discover new funding sources to boost your income – What’s available?

● Become an expert in identifying research commercialisation opportunities

● Keep your income streams under control with risk management

● Find new ways to attract donors in your income generation strategy

● Choose the best business/industry partnerships and profit from Technology Transfer (licensing)

● Learn from others’ success stories – Practical workshop

● Cash in on your most valuable assets: Brand, “know-how” and knowledge


With experts from:

● University of Amsterdam, Corporate Controlling, the Netherlands

● University of Manchester, Development & Alumni Relations, United Kingdom

● Max-Planck-Innovation, Agreements & Finance, Germany

● Middlesex University London, Knowledge Transfer, United Kingdom

● University of Warwick, Registrar’s Office, United Kingdom


For direct registration please use the online booking form.

We look forward to welcoming you to our practical seminar in Berlin!

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew