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08.02.2016, 15:43, Stáří: 8 r.

Palacký University Olomouc announces the competition for the J. L. Fischer Grant for the academic year 2016/17

Autor: -sb-

Palacký University Olomouc announces the competition for the J. L. Fischer Grant for the academic year 2016/17

This grant is designated for 18 future students on doctoral study programmes in foreign languages at seven faculties of Palacký University, at an annual amount of € 3 – 11 000 in order to cover the costs in connection with studying. You may apply in electronic form at the individual faculties in the period from 1 March to 31 May 2016.

More information is available at: http://www.upol.cz/en/groups/studying

Sts. Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology: http://www.cmtf.upol.cz/en/groups/studying/j-l-fischer-scholarship/

Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry: http://www.lf.upol.cz/en/groups/studying/phd-studies/application-procedure/

Faculty of Arts:  http://www.ff.upol.cz/en/groups/studying/degree-programmes/programmes-taught-in-a-foreign-language/doctoral-degree-programmes/

Faculty of Science: http://www.prf.upol.cz/en/groups/studying/degree-programmes-in-english/

Faculty of Education: http://www.pdf.upol.cz/en/groups/studying/study-administration/

Faculty of Physical Culture:  http://ftk.upol.cz/en/groups/studying/doctoral-study/

Faculty of Law: www.pf.upol.cz/en/groups/studying/study-programmes/

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