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08.12.2011, 10:29, Stáří: 13 r.

PhD in History and Civilization at the European University Institute in Florence

The Department of History and Civilization studies European History from the Renaissance to the present day, recognizing that the idea – or ideas – of Europe remain contested. The Department is committed to seeing European History in relation to other regions and cultures of the world. It distinguishes itself as a place where different historiographical and methodological approaches meet. While most activities are conducted in English, multi-lingualism is encouraged. The Department strongly promotes comparative and transnational studies of cultural and economic trends; the history of social, political and intellectual movements and traditions; and a gender approach to history. It aims to capture both Europe’s past and the study of that past, so as to face the most challenging questions of its present.

Each year citizens of different EU member states and a small number from other countries, are admitted to the PhD programme. All doctoral researchers receive a grant from their national governments for a period of three years, and the Institute provides funding for the fourth year. For further details about the grants see:

Doctoral researchers in history at the EUI have the unique chance to engage with the full range of historical research in Europe. In the first year of the programme, researchers not only start their PhD project, but also attend seminars to explore methodological questions and different European historiographies, develop their academic writing and presentation skills, and study foreign languages. The Department also funds research trips to work in archives and libraries across Europe and beyond. A first-class library, extensive computing facilities, a career center, language courses, and a large community of post-docs make the EUI an excellent environment to do a PhD in history.

The application deadline for the academic year 2012/2013 (starting in September 2012) is the 31st of January 2012. For information about admission requirements and application procedures see:  http://www.eui.eu/ProgrammesAndFellowships/DoctoralProgramme/HowToApply.aspx

For more information see the website of the Department of History and Civilization:

Contact for further information:
Prof. Antonella Romano - Director of Graduate Studies:antonella.romano@eui.eu
Department of History and Civilization – European University Institute
Via Boccaccio 121 – 50133 Firenze – Italy

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