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27.09.2012, 09:47, Stáří: 12 r.

Places available on free AEP 'E-learning programme' on diaspora development

Autor: -ps-

The Africa-Europe Platform (AEP) is pleased to announce that additional places are available on its e-learning programme, developed and delivered by AFFORD (UK). We would like to invite you or your organisation to participate in this free one-year course, which starts from September 2012 and finishes in July 2013.

Due to demand, registrations for additional cohorts are now open until 30th September!

This certified course will include the following topics:

Networking for International Development

Alliance-BuildingPolicy Engagement

This 1-year e-learning programme is open to people from African diaspora and civil society organisations in all 27 EU member states, Norway, Switzerland, as well as 5 African pilot countries that are participating in the programme: Angola, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Morocco and Senegal. Training sessions and materials will be available in English & French.

Places are limited to 5 per country and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis, so please register now to avoid disappointment!

Please see the attached e-flyer for more information, or visit www.affordinstitute.org.

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew