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POLAND - International Academic Conference E-METHODOLOGY

Autor: -sb-

International Academic Conference E-METHODOLOGY
March 30-31, 2016.

International Academic Conference "e-methodology" is dedicated to the difficulties connected with research in social sciences and humanities conducted by means of the Internet, as well as the opportunities that it provides. We accept theoretical lectures on this subject and lectures presenting the results of research conducted on or by means of the Internet (understood as a research environment and/or a research tool). We would like the authors to pay special attention to the specificity of Internet methodology.

Three sections are proposed:

1) "About the Internet" - Theory. (Theoretical papers on the difficulties and the opportunities created by using the Internet in scientific research)

2) "On the Internet"- Research (The results of research conducted by means of the Internet)

3) "With the Internet"- Projects (Project reports and research/educational projects presenting the opportunities provided by using the Internet)

Institute of Psychology of the University of Wrocław

Foundation "Pro Scientia Publica"

University of Third Age in the University of Wroclaw

The conference participants are entitled to submit their papers for the international academic journal "e-methodology"
(http://www.e-methodology.eu/about-journal/ )


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